Jos nyt olisi huominen – dance performance, CANCELLED

Jos nyt olisi huominen is a contemporary dance performance dealing with queer dreaming.

Jos nyt olisi huominen is a contemporary dance performance dealing with queer dreaming.The performance celebrates LGBTQIA+ dreams and equality. The work is a touching combination of abundance and sensitivity. The performance combines contemporary dance, pop music, an experimental soundscape, fantasy-like costume design and a praise of diversity in movement language. The aim of the performance is to promote equality and propose a softer and better future for all. The performance is made in collaboration with youth. They have influenced to the artistic process in different ways.


This event is part of the Youth Pride events, which are intended for visitors aged 13-25. Please note that the host of the event may have also limited the age limit within this age range. A possible different age limit will be announced in this notice.

Are there accessible parking spaces near the entrance?

  • No

Is there room for the escort service (taxi/taxis) to stop in front of the entrance?

  • Tekstintalo does not have customer parking. There are parking spaces on the street in the area. There are parking spaces on the street, so it may be difficult for escort traffic to get right in front of the main entrance.

Is the route to the entrance accessible? (A barrier-free route means that the passageway is flat, hard-surfaced and gentle.)

  • Yes

Is the entrance accessible?

  • Yes

Is it accessible to all parts of the event?

  • Yes

Is there a functioning induction loop and the necessary signage in the event space?

  • No

Does the event space have a barrier-free toilet that complies with accessibility requirements?

  • Yes

Other considerations about accessibility:

  • The barrier-free entrance of Teksti’s house is located at Lintulahdenkatu 3. The other entrance is located on the side of the Kaikukatu courtyard. There are wheelchair spaces in the loft at the front of the stand. It is also possible to arrange chair places in the front part, if it is not possible to get up into the stands (picture 18). There is no induction loop in the space. Note! The structure of the loft stand may vary depending on the performance, more detailed information about the shape of the stand from the organizer of each event.




Contact person for accessibility issues:

Mira Eskelinen

Email address:

Phone number: 0505587705

  • 27.6.2024 at 18

Parvisali 6.krs

Lintulahdenkatu 3,

00530 Helsinki, 

Pauliina Aladin ja työryhmä

Organizers website
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
PerformancesAccessibleYouth Pride (K13–25)
The event is free of charge

Finnish, English, Swedish

The event is accessible.