Keysmashhöijfdl1! Discussion on queer gaming

Games and gaming communities are a realm of self-expression and freedom but also a fortress of marginalized people’s harassment.

What makes a queer game? How can we smash some norms that are LGBTQIA+ restrictive with gaming? Discussion with two game enthusiasts, writer Joonatan Itkonen and researcher Aasa Timonen. Audience is invited to participate in the discussion!

Venue address: Ludviginkatu 2-4, 00130 Helsinki

Is there sign language interpretation at the event?


Will your event be streamed, or is there an opportunity to participate remotely?


Are there accessible parking spaces near the entrance?


Is there space for drop-off (taxi/private hire vehicle) in front of the entrance?


Is the route to the entrance accessible? By accessible route, we mean that the pathway is flat, hard-surfaced, and gently sloping.


Is the entrance accessible?

No. The main entrance of Merkki is not accessible (several steps and a fairly heavy door). The accessible entrance is about 20 meters to the right of the main entrance when viewed from outside the building. The accessible entrance is usually locked; please call the museum’s info desk (tel. 020 720 9810) if you need to use it. The accessible entrance has a removable metal ramp, which the Merkki staff will help set up. The ramp does not have handrails. When the ramp is in use, a threshold of about 4 cm and an additional 1 cm threshold from the doormat remain at the doorway. Both sides of the outer door can be opened, widening the doorway.

Can all areas of the event be accessed without barriers?


Is there a functional induction loop system and necessary signage in the event space?


Is there an accessible toilet in the event space compliant with accessibility requirements?


Other notes on accessibility:

The restrooms at Merkki are located next to the coat racks. There are three unisex restrooms, one of which is an accessible restroom, though it does not fully meet accessibility criteria. In the accessible restroom, there is 80 cm of free space to the right of the toilet (when seated) and less space to the left. There are support rails on both sides of the toilet. In front of the toilet, there is about 1.3 meters of space for maneuvering.

More information on the accessibility of the event venue can also be found at this link. (In Finnish)


If you need more detailed information about the accessibility of the event space, you can contact the contact person for the venue.

Contact person: Aikku Meura

Contact person’s email:

Contact person’s phone number: 040 612 5456

  • 25.6.2024 at 17-19
Media Museum and Archives Merkki

Ludviginkatu 2-4, 00130 Helsinki

Media Museum and Archives Merkki

Organizers website
Lectures and PanelsFor all
The event is free of charge


The event is mostly accessible