LGBTQAI+ Textile Printing workshop

A workshop for printing pride-themed tote bags. No advance registration.

The first floor of the Oodi library will feature a workshop for printing pride-themed toteYou can bring your own tote bag or textile, but please make sure that the material is heat resistant. No advance registration.


This event is part of the Youth Pride events, which are intended for visitors aged 13-25. Please note that the host of the event may have also limited the age limit within this age range. A possible different age limit will be announced in this notice.

Are there accessible parking spaces near the entrance?

  • No

Is there room for the escort service (taxi/taxis) to stop in front of the entrance?

  • Yes

Is the route to the entrance accessible? (A barrier-free route means that the passageway is flat, hard-surfaced and gentle.)

  • Yes

Is the entrance accessible?

  • Yes

Is it accessible to all parts of the event?

  • Yes

Is there a functioning induction loop and the necessary signage in the event space?

  • No

Does the event space have a barrier-free toilet that complies with accessibility requirements?

  • Yes


Contact person for accessibility issues:

Linnea Saarits

Email address:

Phone number: +358401679174

  • 26.6.2024 at 16-18
Keskustakirjasto Oodi

Töölönlahdenkatu 4

Keskustakirjasto Oodi

WorkshopYouth Pride (K13–25)
The event is free of charge

Finnish, English, Swedish