Pride Cooper

Cooper 12min run/walk at Eläintarha Sport field.

Address of the venue: Vauhtitie 6, 00250 Helsinki

Is there sign language interpretation at the event?


Will your event be streamed, or is there an opportunity to participate remotely?


How to arrive at the location?

Access to the event is through the gates; the sports field is accessible.

The terrain features:

The area is flat, it’s a sports field.

Are there accessible parking spaces in front of or near the event venue?



If you need more detailed information about accessibility in the event space, you can contact the space contact person.

Contact person for accessibility matters

Name: Olli Turunen


Phone number: 0405539965

  • 26.6.2024 at 18-18:30
Eläintarha Athletic Field

Vauhtitie 6, 00250 Helsinki


Organizers website
SportsFor all
The event is free of charge


The Athletic field is fully accessible