Rainbow fatherhood

Both fathers and those who dream of fatherhood are welcome to join. During the little snack break, we will discuss the topics that are important to you and the different aspects and forms of fatherhood.

Venue Address: Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 C,  Merihaka, 00530 Helsinki – 2nd floor

Is there sign language interpretation at the event?


Will your event be streamed, or is there an opportunity to participate remotely?


Are there accessible parking spaces near the entrance?

At the moment, there are no designated accessible parking spaces available.

Is there space for drop-off (taxi/private hire vehicle) in front of the entrance?

There is space for drop-off. Access to the entrance is through the parking garage.

Is the route to the entrance accessible? By accessible route, we mean that the pathway is flat, hard-surfaced, and gently sloping.

No. The ramps do not have handrails.

Is the entrance accessible?

Otherwise, an accessible entrance is available from the parking level, but the ramps lack handrails. At the pedestrian level entrance, there are directions to the nearly accessible entrance (access via elevator to the lower level, i.e., the parking level). Employees and volunteers are happy to assist with navigating the routes. There is a 2 cm threshold at the edge of both the accessible entrance and the exterior ramp. The exterior ramp is 120cm long with a height difference of 10 cm (slope of 8% on both sides). The interior ramp is 60 cm long with a height difference of 5 cm. The ramps do not have handrails.

Can all areas of the event be accessed without barriers?


Is there a functional induction loop system and necessary signage in the event space?


Is there an accessible toilet in the event space compliant with accessibility requirements?

No. There is less than 80 cm of space on either side of the toilet seat. There is not enough free space in the toilet for the use of additional aids, such as a hoist, alongside a wheelchair.

Other notes on accessibility:

In the entrance lobby, the doors of the elevator open into a narrow vestibule. The vestibule is too cramped for a wheelchair to turn around, and the vestibule doors are locked. However, the elevator doors are directly opposite the entry doors. Employees/volunteers will come to open the door, which may require waiting for a moment between the elevator doors (though the automatic doors won’t close if there’s something between them). From the vestibule, you enter into a spacious foyer. The spaces are open and well-lit. The floor is hard and level. The narrowest point of the pathway is 1300 mm in the foyer. Elsewhere, the width of the pathways is at least 1700 mm. Therefore, there is ample room for maneuvering with an assistant or guide dog.

More information on the accessibility of the event venue can also be found at this link. (Only in Finnish at the moment)


If you need more detailed information about the accessibility of the event space, you can contact the contact person for the venue.

Contact Person: Juha Jämsä

Contact Person’s Email: info(a)sateenkaariperheet.fi

Contact Person’s Phone Number: 044 997 1956

  • 26.6.2024 at 19-21
Sateenkaariperheet ry's offices (Peräkammari)

Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 C, 2nd floor, Merihaka, 00530 Helsinki

Sateenkaariperheet ry

Organizers website
Hanging outFamilies
The event is free of charge
