Expressive Art Moments is a group for lgbtiq-people* who are new** to Finland/Helsinki. The group bases on peer support and Expressive Art Therapy combined methods, offering lgbtiq-sensitive spaces and activities to strengthen the social capital of its members.
Expressive Art Moments combines Inspirational Expressive Art -methods to raise self-awareness and expression through different forms of Art while sharing experiences of life with others. Expressive Art Therapy combines methods from painting, drama, dance, music and poetry. There is no need for any previous know-how with any of the Art forms.
Group will be closed and confidential, maximum size 10 individuals. Meetings will start by April 2014, gathering on Tuesday evenings every other week. Group will meet approximately 10 times during spring 2014 and 10 times during autumn 2014.
Expressive Art Moments is led by Mimosa Puumalainen, a third year student of Expressive Art Therapy, Bachelor of Social Services and Bachelor of Arts and Design. For further information contact Mimosa:
*lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender or queer ** more or less under 3 years living in Finland

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