Support and advice services
You can contact our staff when you need support or advice, someone to talk to in confidence, or guidance to LGBTQIA+ sensitive services. Please also take a look at other LGBTQIA+-specific services that offer help and advice for questions related to sexual and gender diversity, coming out, experiences of discrimination and other LGBTQIA+-specific questions.
Who to contact
Yasmin Okpara (she/her)
Expert on Social and youth services / +35845 133 7077
On call and bookings for appointments on Tuesdays 11-13.
Contact Yasmin in questions regarding:
Together with Pride:
Individual services for asylum seekers and people with refugee or immigrant background.
Together with Pride groups and activities / +35845 133 7077
On call and bookings for appointments on Tuesdays 11-13.
Contact Yasmin in questions regarding:
Together with Pride:
Individual services for asylum seekers and people with refugee or immigrant background.
Together with Pride groups and activities
Luna Goc
Expert on Youth services / +358 44 493 2099
Contact Luna in questions regarding:
One-on-one support for LGBTQIA+ youth
Youth Pride peer activitites Youth work training / +358 44 493 2099
Contact Luna in questions regarding:
One-on-one support for LGBTQIA+ youth
Youth Pride peer activitites Youth work training
LGBTQIA+ specific services
Sinuiksi support and advice service
Offers help in all questions related to sexual orientation and gender diversity. You can reach out when you need support or information on matters such as social pressure, social equity, dating, coming out, relationships, family and work life, aging, loneliness, conversion therapy, hate speech, bullying and other forms of discrimination. Sinuiksi offers phone consultations, an anonymous platform to ask questions and different online chat options.
More information on Sinuiksi(in Finnish)
Gender Diversity & Intersex Centre of Expertise
Gender Diversity & Intersex Centre of Expertise (former Trans Support Center / Transtukipiste) offers its services to all trans and intersex persons, to those pondering their gender and to their loved ones. Services are free of charge and include professional help as well as peer support.
More information on Gender Diversity &Intersex Centre of Expertise
Is there something about your family relationship that is worrying you? Is something wrong or do you have questions about your relationship with your family? Perhesuhdekeskus phone services offer support in all LGBTQIA+ immediate family relationships. Whether you are LGBTQIA+ yourself, a parent, sibling or a loved one of a LGBTQIA+ person you can discuss your situation with one of our social workers. We offer appointments at our office in Helsinki and via Skype or phone.
More information on Perhesuhdekeskus (in Finnish)
Sateenkaariperheet – Rainbow Families Finland
We offer personal counselling and other support in English. We also offer short-term support in various difficult family situations. If you are looking for information about legal rights, family formation or our activities for rainbow families, you can be in touch with our help desk.
The service can be accessed via email or telephone. You can send an e-mail to Our phone line is open on Wednesdays 12pm-1pm and on Thursdays 9am-10am. Our telephone number is +358 50 321 0048. The service is closed during the holidays.
More info on Rainbow Families FinlandThe service can be accessed via email or telephone. You can send an e-mail to Our phone line is open on Wednesdays 12pm-1pm and on Thursdays 9am-10am. Our telephone number is +358 50 321 0048. The service is closed during the holidays.
Dreamwear Club
Dreamwear Club offers peer support for all transfeminine and transvestite individuals and their loved ones and arranges peer events. Our services are for anyone that is confused, angry, happy or angry about the (unusual) experience and expression of gender, whether it be their own or that of a loved one. In other words, for all trans individuals and their near and dear, be it spouses, children, parents or friends - for anyone that needs to talk.
More information on Dreamwear ClubIntersex People’s Human Rights – ISIO Finland
Intersex People’s Human Rights – ISIO Finland was founded in January 2020. The main goal of the registered non-governmental organisation is to end stigma and discrimination and ensure intersex people’s access to their fundamental rights and human rights. To achieve this goal the organisation raises awareness, creates networks and co-operates with relevant stakeholders and shares information and provides expertise to law and policy drafting on the human rights situation of intersex people in Finland.
More information on ISIOTrasek ry
Trasek is a Finnish association for transgender and intersex rights. Trasek advocates for human rights, anti-discrimination measures as well as proper medical care for transgender and intersex individuals. Trasek advocates self-determination to gender, and separating the juridical gender recognition and medical treatment.
Trasek ry organizes a monthly peer support meeting for intersex individuals. If you need to share your experiences and hear from others you are welcome to join. The group operates based on confidentiality, is resource-centered and draws from peer support. Participation is free of charge and gathers people from all around Finland. More information about the group and meetings: Kati Jelekäinen (
More information on Trasek ryTrasek ry organizes a monthly peer support meeting for intersex individuals. If you need to share your experiences and hear from others you are welcome to join. The group operates based on confidentiality, is resource-centered and draws from peer support. Participation is free of charge and gathers people from all around Finland. More information about the group and meetings: Kati Jelekäinen (
Sexual counselling and sexual health services
Our advice phone line is national, so you can call from any part of the country. Calling is free of charge and the phone is answered by a trained sexual counsellor or therapist. Our professionals provide help in all questions related to sexuality and relationships. You can call us anonymously.
More info on Sexpo (in Finnish)Hivpoint
Hivpoint promotes health, wellbeing and equality for those most affected by HIV. Hivpoint focuses on prevention of HIV and supports both people living with HIV, their loved ones and people concerned about HIV. Hivpoint provides free of charge testing, support and counselling services related to HIV and sexual health.
More information on HivpointPositiiviset ry - HIV Finland
Positiiviset ry, founded in 1989, is a support and advocacy organisation for individuals with HIV and their loved ones, as well as the only patient organisation for HIV/AIDS patients. We offer one-on-one support discussions with our trained staff, either in person or on the phone.
More information on Positiiviset ry - HIV FinlandFor victims of sexual abuse, violence and crimes
Seri Support Center for Victims of Sexual Assault
The Seri Support Center at Women's Hospital is a support unit for people over 16 years of age, regardless of gender, who have experienced sexual violence. We offer a low-threshold service that you can seek out yourself, with relatives or under the guidance of a public authority within a month of your traumatic experience.
More information on Seri Support CenterVictim Support Center Tukinainen
Tukinainen is a national victim support centre that provides support and guidance for people who have been sexually assaulted or abused. It provides guidance for their families, co-operation, consultation and training for professionals, authorities, organisations and educational institutions in a variety of fields. Tukinainen offers free of charge services for victims of sexual assault and abuse, such as access to rapid response support and counseling offered by our trained crisis workers. The meetings can be attended alone, with a friend, a family member or any other loved one.
We also provide a crisis help line where you can get guidance and advice on sexual violence and information on various forms of help, and a legal help line that provides information and advice from lawyers on legal aspects of sexual crime.
They operate as follows:
Crisis helpline 0800 97899, Mon-Thu 9-15 and Sat-Sun 15-21 Legal helpline 0800-97895, Mon–Thu 13 – 16 pm
More information on Tukinainen We also provide a crisis help line where you can get guidance and advice on sexual violence and information on various forms of help, and a legal help line that provides information and advice from lawyers on legal aspects of sexual crime.
They operate as follows:
Crisis helpline 0800 97899, Mon-Thu 9-15 and Sat-Sun 15-21 Legal helpline 0800-97895, Mon–Thu 13 – 16 pm
Women’s Line
Women's Line offers services to people who identify themselves as girls or women and have experienced violence or abuse, or threat of violence or abuse, and to those close to them. We are here for you. You can call us, use our chat service or send us a letter online. It’s free and anonymous, and the women on call are trained volunteers. We also organise support groups online and face-to-face in Helsinki.
More information on Women's LineEvents and activities
Open community activities
Our open community evenings are safe, relaxed, substance free hangouts.
We drink coffee, play games, discuss changing themes and get a chance to reflect on our own experiences while getting to know
other LGBTQIA + people.
Meet with PrideWe drink coffee, play games, discuss changing themes and get a chance to reflect on our own experiences while getting to know
other LGBTQIA + people.
Youth Pride
Youth Pride support work includes individual meetings, peer and small group activities for youth and young adults aged 13-29.
Youth PrideTogether with Pride
We support the wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and people with refugee or immigrant background.
Together with PrideVolunteer with Pride
As a Helsinki Pride Community volunteer you support our work to advance the human rights of sexual and gender minorities.